Monday, May 26, 2014

El Presidente..

After a very busy non-wargaming weekend, I´ve picked up where I left after getting back from work today. Inspired by another event last friday, I created a very special man, a VIP in his own right:

El Presidente

Or rather: La PrĂ©sident. 

This is supposed to be Malongos President Shomballa, but he will gladly apply for any open position for head of state in your favourite Dictatorship, as he has recently been ousted by General Beng´Tusi...  (who by could be represented by the very same miniature - ain´t that cool?)

 He will be getting his personal protection detail of two foreign mercenaries, but I´m still working on them as a little side-project before returning to the planned expansion of another range of figures... 

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