Sunday, February 8, 2015

Colonial Wars Portugese - First two Test figures

I´ve been working on a few Portugese to test if there´s enough interest to start this as a separate range, as it´s been requested from customers. Because I´m a little in doubt if we can gather enough supporters I decided to launch a Kickstarter-style preorder scheme.

This will allow me to gather the funds to produce the mold with the additional option of cancelling the project if there aren´t enough people who´s like to buy it.

The conditions are as follows:

My plan is to release one or two squads (Portugese squads have 10 figures) depending on the level of support. By buying a Kickstarter ticket you´ll be supporting the creation of the Portugese Colonial Wars range AND receive a full 10 figures per ticket of 10€. If multiple squads are produced you´ll get two squads if you buy two tickets, and so on. If you have purchased more tickets than squads that are going to be produced, you´ll get doubles of the same pack.

The scheme will run until  May 1st, 2015 (01.05.2015), if I don´t collect enough money to start a squad all people will get a refund both for their ticket and the shipping cost.
If we get enough support for one squad, but not for a second, everyone will get a partial refund  (i.e. 13 tickets result in the creation of a single squad of 10 figures. The remaining 3 tickets, 30€, will be refunded at 2,30€ per ticket (30€ / 13 tickets).
Please order the Portugese Kickstarter tickets separately of any other items to avoid any issues with refunding and shipment cost! 

IF you´d like to support the project, please check in here

A second figure is also ready:

If you want to follow the projects progress you can also check out the project thead in my subforum on the guild: here

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