Welcome back to Preview Session No. 2.
Again, I´m boring my long term followers with things they already know :(
Well, not quite true. There are new figures I haven´t yet revealed! And some alterations to previously presented figures.
First, the things you know: IDF Riflemen are largely unchanged from what I presented earlier.
However, I´ve added a grenade launcher on a Tavor as seen below, and made some minor modifications on one of the NCO figures:
And last, the pack with the new stuff. My FN MAG gunner and his secondary, with binoculars for spotting targets of opportunity, together with the Negev Gunners:
All shipped to the caster today :)
Meanwhile, I´ll be working harder on the website to offer you a nice and convenient webshop to browse!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Preview Session I - Insurgents & Bundeswehr
Hey folks,
a little later than I hoped, but I was finally able to take some good pictures of the figures that will be sent off today if there are no further delays. I had planned to ship them yesterday, but despite working for almost 6 hours nonstop on clean up & finishig on the masters, I was not able to get them all to the desired standard. So I´ve added another shift today to finish the last four Israelis that needed some attention before things get packed.
If the sun keeps shining, I´ll have two Preview sessions today. This is the first, presenting all non-IDF items that will be cast and should be released in April. The second session will focus entirely on my IDF soldiers and should be online this afternoon if the light doesn´t fade and I can take some good photos.
Anyway, here we go:
I´ll release a single pack of Taliban support weapons, the set I did in roughly a day. I hope to add more later on, as you can never have enough variety with Taliban. ;)
I included 2 RPKs in the pack because I think that RPKs are under-represented and I had a very limited choice of poses in my own collection. Maybe someone else feels like I do and wants to pick some up along with other items.
Not only can you never have enough variety and manpower with Taliban, the same is of course true with all Insurgents. So, my first set of Generic Insurgents will be available for sale as well. I wil offer three sets of Insurgents suitable for all kind of rebels in colder regions, from Russia to Cold War Europe - maybe not so much for hot regions as they´re all wearing thick clothes. Some might be suitable for Syrian rebels as well, make up your own mind:
Some Western armament thrown into the mix with the next pack: Insurgents with M16, for Wolverines or pro-Western Rebels:
And the ever-present support weapons to add some firepower to the mix, nothing beats Russian equipment here, RPGs and PKMs for the win:
And, last but not least for the non-IDF stuff, I´ve done a pack for our German friends. People have been complaining about the lack of good machingunners, neither the plastic kits nor anyone else has a sufficient variety of machingunners. No-one I know of has ever done MG4s - so any Bundeswehr player should watch out for these:
Old News for long-time followers, I know. But seeing what has been accumulated has a Qualtiy of its own, doesn´t it? ;)
See ya´ll later for the IDF preview!
a little later than I hoped, but I was finally able to take some good pictures of the figures that will be sent off today if there are no further delays. I had planned to ship them yesterday, but despite working for almost 6 hours nonstop on clean up & finishig on the masters, I was not able to get them all to the desired standard. So I´ve added another shift today to finish the last four Israelis that needed some attention before things get packed.
If the sun keeps shining, I´ll have two Preview sessions today. This is the first, presenting all non-IDF items that will be cast and should be released in April. The second session will focus entirely on my IDF soldiers and should be online this afternoon if the light doesn´t fade and I can take some good photos.
Anyway, here we go:
I´ll release a single pack of Taliban support weapons, the set I did in roughly a day. I hope to add more later on, as you can never have enough variety with Taliban. ;)
I included 2 RPKs in the pack because I think that RPKs are under-represented and I had a very limited choice of poses in my own collection. Maybe someone else feels like I do and wants to pick some up along with other items.
Taliban Support Weapons |
Not only can you never have enough variety and manpower with Taliban, the same is of course true with all Insurgents. So, my first set of Generic Insurgents will be available for sale as well. I wil offer three sets of Insurgents suitable for all kind of rebels in colder regions, from Russia to Cold War Europe - maybe not so much for hot regions as they´re all wearing thick clothes. Some might be suitable for Syrian rebels as well, make up your own mind:
Insurgents with Kalashnikovs - including Igor and Thug |
Some Western armament thrown into the mix with the next pack: Insurgents with M16, for Wolverines or pro-Western Rebels:
Insurgents with M16 |
And the ever-present support weapons to add some firepower to the mix, nothing beats Russian equipment here, RPGs and PKMs for the win:
Insurgent Support Weapon Pack - 2x RPG, 2x RPK |
And, last but not least for the non-IDF stuff, I´ve done a pack for our German friends. People have been complaining about the lack of good machingunners, neither the plastic kits nor anyone else has a sufficient variety of machingunners. No-one I know of has ever done MG4s - so any Bundeswehr player should watch out for these:
Old News for long-time followers, I know. But seeing what has been accumulated has a Qualtiy of its own, doesn´t it? ;)
See ya´ll later for the IDF preview!
Monday, February 24, 2014
Let´s get serious!
Alright, I´m back with the promised pics. Unfortunately, there´s not much new to show yet as I´m busy finishing the next batch of figures as I´m writing this. I´ve two figures done but one still heavily WIP. All three are additions to my Insurgent support weapons and I´d like to present them together. So bear with me, but it will probably be tomorrow before I´m that far.
Meanwhile I have my German Machinegunners ready to go. Two MG3 and two MG4 poses for some diversity in our Bundeswehr ranks.
The grey guy is the latest addition, the two white guys left and right should be recognised by my long-time followers ;)
I´ve also used the good light this morning to take better pictures of my Taliban Support Teams:
Unfortunately, the grey putty does not lend itself well to photography... Looks slightly better than my first attempt, but in reality they are just so much better :(
Anyway, let´s get serious: These figures will be cast together with my Israelis and will soon be available for purchase. Soon means in a few weeks, once the casting is done, all administrative stuff is handled and all basic work on my website done. I´m taking this step to make casting the figures worthwhile. There are two potential paths to bring the figures to a larger audience without incurring massive losses:
First option is to only cast the figures once enough interest has been gathered. This means gathering a lot of intel and building up and maintaining the right contacts. While it minimises my financial risk, I´m probably losing out on the time aspect. Furthermore, it´s technically not legal for me to sell figures for profit without a proper registration as a businessman. And I´m not releasing all the figures without any compensation for my work. I´m not asking for much, but there´s no free lunch.
Soo, the second option is taking the financial risk and starting up a small business, investing some venture capital to have the initial stock of figures cast. This still requires gathering interest and potential customers - marketing and stuff - but has some positive aspects. Good thing is, it´s perfectly legal, it allows people to just buy stuff without complex transactions like articulating their demand on the right spot like option 1 - and they can buy stuff anytime they want, not just when I´m gathering people who want to support my newest project. It allows me to build up a proper presence and a reputation in the market. And after crunching the numbers up and down and up again, I´ve come to the conclusion that the financial risk is rather limited for me, as I´m not paying a penny for commissioning the masters, but do them myself. If things fail, I can write off the initial investment, close things down and move on without incurring losses in the thousands.
The implication is: All the figures you´ve seen in the past months will be available through my new webshop very soon. This includes all Israelis, my Generic Insurgents and both of the Teams I posted above. I´m still working on the website and it will take some more time to get it finished. The figures will be sent off to casting within the next week if nothing bad happens.
With some cautiousness, I´d estimate that the operation will be ready to go on-line come Late March / Early April
If you´re already sure to buy stuff, give me a heads-up in the comment-section so I don´t run out of figures on the first day. ;)
Meanwhile I have my German Machinegunners ready to go. Two MG3 and two MG4 poses for some diversity in our Bundeswehr ranks.
The grey guy is the latest addition, the two white guys left and right should be recognised by my long-time followers ;)
I´ve also used the good light this morning to take better pictures of my Taliban Support Teams:
Unfortunately, the grey putty does not lend itself well to photography... Looks slightly better than my first attempt, but in reality they are just so much better :(
Anyway, let´s get serious: These figures will be cast together with my Israelis and will soon be available for purchase. Soon means in a few weeks, once the casting is done, all administrative stuff is handled and all basic work on my website done. I´m taking this step to make casting the figures worthwhile. There are two potential paths to bring the figures to a larger audience without incurring massive losses:
First option is to only cast the figures once enough interest has been gathered. This means gathering a lot of intel and building up and maintaining the right contacts. While it minimises my financial risk, I´m probably losing out on the time aspect. Furthermore, it´s technically not legal for me to sell figures for profit without a proper registration as a businessman. And I´m not releasing all the figures without any compensation for my work. I´m not asking for much, but there´s no free lunch.
Soo, the second option is taking the financial risk and starting up a small business, investing some venture capital to have the initial stock of figures cast. This still requires gathering interest and potential customers - marketing and stuff - but has some positive aspects. Good thing is, it´s perfectly legal, it allows people to just buy stuff without complex transactions like articulating their demand on the right spot like option 1 - and they can buy stuff anytime they want, not just when I´m gathering people who want to support my newest project. It allows me to build up a proper presence and a reputation in the market. And after crunching the numbers up and down and up again, I´ve come to the conclusion that the financial risk is rather limited for me, as I´m not paying a penny for commissioning the masters, but do them myself. If things fail, I can write off the initial investment, close things down and move on without incurring losses in the thousands.
The implication is: All the figures you´ve seen in the past months will be available through my new webshop very soon. This includes all Israelis, my Generic Insurgents and both of the Teams I posted above. I´m still working on the website and it will take some more time to get it finished. The figures will be sent off to casting within the next week if nothing bad happens.
With some cautiousness, I´d estimate that the operation will be ready to go on-line come Late March / Early April
If you´re already sure to buy stuff, give me a heads-up in the comment-section so I don´t run out of figures on the first day. ;)
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Back in Action
Just a small update because I´ve been silent for a while now. I´m back in action after a brief holiday at home and will be in full swing to drive my new projects forward. I´m currently building another German soldier with MG4 and two copies of RPG-armed insurgents for casting with my own version of an RPG to avoid any problems with copyright using weapons made by other people for my masters. They´ll probably be finished very soon, with the potential for pictures later today.
Before going off into my short holiday, we played a game of my modified Force on Force version in our club and I will use the rest of this blogpost for a small debrief on our experience.
The Firefight mechanism worked as intended to reduce the speed of the game and lower the overall rate of casualties during infantry combat. Quality differences still do have a huuuge effect, we played with D10 TQ vs. D8 TQ and the Veteran troops wiped the Regulars from the field without much effort. Part of that was due to the fact that initiative did not switch throughout the game as we played with standard FoF initiative rules. As winning reaction tests was still key to winning the firefight, things went done pretty one-sided in our scenario - D10 troops outrolled the D8s almost every time, with the additional ability to use teams on Overwatch our Africans were under heavy fire almost all the time and while casualties where low compared to standard FoF, they where suppressed or did simply not have the firepower to hurt the attacking Americans.
With regards to morale, the new mechanisms worked out quite well - thanks again to Zelekendel who made the fantastic contribution of drastically cutting down Morale to one single roll. Troops where getting suppressed and pinned, and did so without suffering any casualties.
However, pinned results seemed like they where too weak. As they occur halfway through the turn and are removed at the end of the turn, they rarely make a difference and just seem to be a step towards suppression, where the real good effect starts to show.
Two potential solutions are: Step up the effects of pinned results with -1 to TQ OR have the result carry over into the next turn. I favour the second option combined with a tradeoff to un-pinning a unit and the available initiative dice, so I´ll incorporate that into the Beta for now.
One of the things we did not like at all was the massive "zombification" of casualties. As standard FoF does not provide any good ingame effect for Walking Wounded, except the laughable movement test which did not matter much in our scenario as everyone advanced cautiously, we felt like half of the units that got hit simply went back to the battlefield unscathed (walking wounded is in effect unscathed - back in action, full firepower).
So, one of the tasks ahead is to create good and meaningful effects for wounded figures, in scenarios where tending to wounded figures DOES matter and has a negative effect on the overall efficiency of troops - or a higher lethality for casualties in cases where the objective is more important than the wounded (like a large regular war or Cold War gone Hot setting).
One of our players, a relative newcomer to Force on Force, disliked how unstructured the reaction chains seemed to be. "Everyone firing at everything without no restrictions" it seemed to him. Part of that was due to overwatch shooting at everything in sight, although we already did limit the arch of overwatch fire with the help of Chain of Commands Overwatch Marker.
Still, Overwatch did still feel like it was too powerful, with overwatchers putting a huge amount of fire downrange and switching targets from left to right and back in the blink of an eye. I´m pondering with a drastic cutback in the ability of overwatch teams, limiting their ability to interrupt reactions to one or two interruptions during a turn. This would force players to think more thoroughly about what to interrupt.
Last of all, I dislike that command figures and NCOs in FoF are just another soldier contributing just another Firepower dice. I like their influence in Chain of Command and how they shape the battlefield, while in FoF they seem to be utterly meaningless. You can mix and match any unit regardless of their initial squad allegiance without any confusion or negative implications. I´m by no means a military expert, but as a hobby Milsim-player I know that this is utterly wrong even in the age of radio communication. However, this issue will need deep thinking and won´t be solved in this iteration of the rules.
To sum things up, here´s my Force on Force Houserules version 0.3:
Alternative Firefights.
Success number & modifiers have changed in the following way:
Negative modifiers are:
Alternative Morale
In addition to this, I´ve included new rules for suppression & pinning.
Instead of having a separate action named "suppressive fire", just consider any fire to be suppressive now:
Units stay "pinned" or "suppressed" until the end of NEXT turn when they loose one marker (i.e. from "pinned" to nothing or from "suppressed" to "pinned). Players can sacrifice an initiative die per unit to remove ONE marker at the beginning of a turn. Before rolling initiative, that is.
Body Armor & Wounds
One last change I made is the application of body armor. Armor doesn´t prevent hits. It doesn´t really make sense to me that FoF give a bonus die for body armor in addition to a first aid roll that determines the severity of the wounds.
So here´s the change I made:
Wound effects
Apply these effects to any faction engaged in a small wars environment, modern day western powers with advanced medical aid and Casevac.
-Units with "dead" casualties take a Morale check according to standard FoF and apply a "pinned" result as outlined above if they fail.
-Units with "serious" casualties suffer -1 Firepower as the teammates are busy stabilizing their critically wounded companion and are immediately "pinned". Once unpinned, they may only move tactical distances (6") as long as there are more healthy than wounded figures. Serious casualties take continous First Aid checks in subsequent turns until they are either dead (rolling a 1) or evacuated to medical personell (Medics, Casualty Collection Points, Casevac Zone). The wounded figure counts as dependent, in order to avoid Close Assault the casualty has to be abandoned.
-Figures with "light" wounds should retain about 75% of their fighting capabilities with severely reduced movement ability (25% on average) due to their injuries. My proposition is to give light units full firepower but force the unit to re-roll one success per lightly wounded figure to represent their degraded fighting capabilities. Units with lightly wounded figures may only move tactical distances (6") if there are more healthy than wounded figures. They must take a TQ check to avoid close assault, otherwise they have to stand and fight or abandon their casualty to retreat.
For scenarios with less attention to detail (Cold War Gone Hot, WW2, "Big" Wars - anything where Mission comes before Men) I´d recommend treating any "serious" wound as dead, as your casualties are probably left for dead or dying without proper treatment as the mission takes priority.
I´ll be fiddling with overwatch, initiative and command & control stuff next, possibly diverging from FoF even more...
Before going off into my short holiday, we played a game of my modified Force on Force version in our club and I will use the rest of this blogpost for a small debrief on our experience.
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Africans defending the outskirts of a city - T55 has been disabled by Airpower prior to the game |
The Firefight mechanism worked as intended to reduce the speed of the game and lower the overall rate of casualties during infantry combat. Quality differences still do have a huuuge effect, we played with D10 TQ vs. D8 TQ and the Veteran troops wiped the Regulars from the field without much effort. Part of that was due to the fact that initiative did not switch throughout the game as we played with standard FoF initiative rules. As winning reaction tests was still key to winning the firefight, things went done pretty one-sided in our scenario - D10 troops outrolled the D8s almost every time, with the additional ability to use teams on Overwatch our Africans were under heavy fire almost all the time and while casualties where low compared to standard FoF, they where suppressed or did simply not have the firepower to hurt the attacking Americans.
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Another Airstrike is called in, but the Pilot aborts after coming under fire from AA in the city |
With regards to morale, the new mechanisms worked out quite well - thanks again to Zelekendel who made the fantastic contribution of drastically cutting down Morale to one single roll. Troops where getting suppressed and pinned, and did so without suffering any casualties.
However, pinned results seemed like they where too weak. As they occur halfway through the turn and are removed at the end of the turn, they rarely make a difference and just seem to be a step towards suppression, where the real good effect starts to show.
Two potential solutions are: Step up the effects of pinned results with -1 to TQ OR have the result carry over into the next turn. I favour the second option combined with a tradeoff to un-pinning a unit and the available initiative dice, so I´ll incorporate that into the Beta for now.
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A bitter firefight rages on the Africans right flank |
One of the things we did not like at all was the massive "zombification" of casualties. As standard FoF does not provide any good ingame effect for Walking Wounded, except the laughable movement test which did not matter much in our scenario as everyone advanced cautiously, we felt like half of the units that got hit simply went back to the battlefield unscathed (walking wounded is in effect unscathed - back in action, full firepower).
So, one of the tasks ahead is to create good and meaningful effects for wounded figures, in scenarios where tending to wounded figures DOES matter and has a negative effect on the overall efficiency of troops - or a higher lethality for casualties in cases where the objective is more important than the wounded (like a large regular war or Cold War gone Hot setting).
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American Units secure the far side of the river. |
One of our players, a relative newcomer to Force on Force, disliked how unstructured the reaction chains seemed to be. "Everyone firing at everything without no restrictions" it seemed to him. Part of that was due to overwatch shooting at everything in sight, although we already did limit the arch of overwatch fire with the help of Chain of Commands Overwatch Marker.
Still, Overwatch did still feel like it was too powerful, with overwatchers putting a huge amount of fire downrange and switching targets from left to right and back in the blink of an eye. I´m pondering with a drastic cutback in the ability of overwatch teams, limiting their ability to interrupt reactions to one or two interruptions during a turn. This would force players to think more thoroughly about what to interrupt.
Last of all, I dislike that command figures and NCOs in FoF are just another soldier contributing just another Firepower dice. I like their influence in Chain of Command and how they shape the battlefield, while in FoF they seem to be utterly meaningless. You can mix and match any unit regardless of their initial squad allegiance without any confusion or negative implications. I´m by no means a military expert, but as a hobby Milsim-player I know that this is utterly wrong even in the age of radio communication. However, this issue will need deep thinking and won´t be solved in this iteration of the rules.
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American Forces overwhelm the African resistance on the right flank |
To sum things up, here´s my Force on Force Houserules version 0.3:
Alternative Firefights.
- Reaction Test as usual
- Calculate Firepower as usual
- Roll Firepower & count the number of successes
- Now, instead of calculating your defense pools, roll the appropriate number of saves
Success number & modifiers have changed in the following way:
- Standard Save on 5+ (4 or less = casualty) = for any open position, but not exposed.
- Improved cover: +2 (casualties on roll of 1 or 2)
- Solid Cover: +1 (casualties on roll of 1,2, or 3)
- In Cover: +
- Smoke: +1
- Taliban after successful Ambush: +1
Negative modifiers are:
- Irregulars / poorly trained troops: - 1
- Exposed: -1
- Rapid Movement: -1
- Subjected to Artillery or Airstrike: -3
- Flanked: -2
Alternative Morale
In addition to this, I´ve included new rules for suppression & pinning.
Instead of having a separate action named "suppressive fire", just consider any fire to be suppressive now:
- For any successful firepower die roll 1 Morale die of the appropriate die type
- Any 4+ is a success, any 1-3 is a failure
- The first failure will "pin" your units in place, preventing any further movement.
- The second failure will "suppress" your unit, degrading your TQ by 1 negative die shift
Units stay "pinned" or "suppressed" until the end of NEXT turn when they loose one marker (i.e. from "pinned" to nothing or from "suppressed" to "pinned). Players can sacrifice an initiative die per unit to remove ONE marker at the beginning of a turn. Before rolling initiative, that is.
Body Armor & Wounds
One last change I made is the application of body armor. Armor doesn´t prevent hits. It doesn´t really make sense to me that FoF give a bonus die for body armor in addition to a first aid roll that determines the severity of the wounds.
So here´s the change I made:
- Troops with body armor use the standard FoF First Aid Table
- Troops without body armor incur a -1 modifier on the first Aid Table
- e.g. 1,2 = dead, 3,4= serious, 5,6 = light wound
Wound effects
Apply these effects to any faction engaged in a small wars environment, modern day western powers with advanced medical aid and Casevac.
-Units with "dead" casualties take a Morale check according to standard FoF and apply a "pinned" result as outlined above if they fail.
-Units with "serious" casualties suffer -1 Firepower as the teammates are busy stabilizing their critically wounded companion and are immediately "pinned". Once unpinned, they may only move tactical distances (6") as long as there are more healthy than wounded figures. Serious casualties take continous First Aid checks in subsequent turns until they are either dead (rolling a 1) or evacuated to medical personell (Medics, Casualty Collection Points, Casevac Zone). The wounded figure counts as dependent, in order to avoid Close Assault the casualty has to be abandoned.
-Figures with "light" wounds should retain about 75% of their fighting capabilities with severely reduced movement ability (25% on average) due to their injuries. My proposition is to give light units full firepower but force the unit to re-roll one success per lightly wounded figure to represent their degraded fighting capabilities. Units with lightly wounded figures may only move tactical distances (6") if there are more healthy than wounded figures. They must take a TQ check to avoid close assault, otherwise they have to stand and fight or abandon their casualty to retreat.
For scenarios with less attention to detail (Cold War Gone Hot, WW2, "Big" Wars - anything where Mission comes before Men) I´d recommend treating any "serious" wound as dead, as your casualties are probably left for dead or dying without proper treatment as the mission takes priority.
I´ll be fiddling with overwatch, initiative and command & control stuff next, possibly diverging from FoF even more...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
4 Taliban in ~1,5 Days
I´ve talked about how I was trying to measure my productivity in a recent post... Well, it has obviously increased somewhat. I´ve started some wire skellies on thursday afternoon, roughly 8 o clock in the evening. Today, at roughly 3 o´clock, the skellies had evolved into these Taliban:
I´m presenting the back side first because it looks better than the front due to the foto quality. Here´s the front, which got a little too much flash and th best of several photos I´ve taken. I´m too lazy to tak another shot just to show them off before they´re cast and painted. They´ll probably be shipped to the caster and get stuffed in a mold with my German Machinegunners (which is the next project by the way - another MG4 for my Germans!).
Anyway, here´s the front view with slightly distorted colors and a little too much flash:
Back to the topic - these 4 guys are the result of approximately 1,5 days of time, though I not at home this morning. I did miss my 24 hour challenge by a few hours, but as the figures don´t look too rushed, that´s alright. Quality beats speed after all ;)
I DID also learn for my exam tomorrow while doing these, which was my way of cooling off between practising.
The PKM gunner will probably get an ammo belt on his machinegun, forgot to add that.
More exciting news coming soon!
Stay Tuned!
I´m presenting the back side first because it looks better than the front due to the foto quality. Here´s the front, which got a little too much flash and th best of several photos I´ve taken. I´m too lazy to tak another shot just to show them off before they´re cast and painted. They´ll probably be shipped to the caster and get stuffed in a mold with my German Machinegunners (which is the next project by the way - another MG4 for my Germans!).
Anyway, here´s the front view with slightly distorted colors and a little too much flash:
Back to the topic - these 4 guys are the result of approximately 1,5 days of time, though I not at home this morning. I did miss my 24 hour challenge by a few hours, but as the figures don´t look too rushed, that´s alright. Quality beats speed after all ;)
I DID also learn for my exam tomorrow while doing these, which was my way of cooling off between practising.
The PKM gunner will probably get an ammo belt on his machinegun, forgot to add that.
More exciting news coming soon!
Stay Tuned!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Force on Force Firefight Houserules - Revamped
It´s been a while since I´ve posted my First Draft of experimental Houserules for Force on Force.
Since then, some things have changed on what I had outlined back then and I realized that I never updated my initial post.
The Basics are still much the same, but some tweaks have been made.
Alternative Firefights.
Success number & modifiers have changed in the following way:
Negative modifiers are:
Instead of having a separate action named "suppressive fire", just consider any fire to be suppressive now:
One last change I made is the application of body armor. Armor doesn´t prevent hits. It doesn´t really make sense to me that FoF give a bonus die for body armor in addition to a first aid roll that determines the severity of the wounds.
So here´s the change I made:
Example Firefight
Before I outline how these changes make the game more tactical (in my opinion) while retaining the fun parts, I want to finish the "rules" section with an example:
US Marines are attacking an outpost of your average African Dictator that didn´t align himself with US policy. One Fireteam of veteran Marines (TQ D10, Morale D10) is approaching a hidden MG position manned by the presidents army (TQ D8, Morale D8).
With a roll of 5 the African team opens fire from an Ambush on 14" distance. Their Firepower is 7 (2 men team + 2 for MMG, +2 Weapon Team, +1 Opt. Range). Their roll is:
2.2,5,5,6,7,8 = 5 successes.
Caught in the open, the Marines have a 5+ save, so they roll 5D10: 3,3,8,10,10 - caught in the killzone, two Marines are hit and become casualties. Being subjected to 5 Firepower, they also have to roll 5D10 for morale, scoring a 3,5,6,8, 10 - one failure means they´re pinned, but may return fire!
The rest of the time scrambles to cover, returning fire. With 2 men down, the remaining troopers have a Firepower of 4 (2 men, 2 support weapons).
Rolling 4D10 against the Africans, the Marines score a 4,5,5,9 - all successes! The Africans are in cover (+1) behind solid cover (+1) (prepared ambush position) and need a 1 or 2 to save. With 4 saevs they roll 2,6,7,7 suffering one casualty from the Marines return fire. Their Morale Test of 4D8 results in 4,6,6,6 - no effect.
At the end of the turn, the Americans remove their pinned marker, they need to be re-suppressed next turn. Next turn, they check their casualties as usual, one is OK (6), one is Seriously Wounded (3) and in need of medical care, while the African soldier is found dead (1).
This small Example is unfortunately not long enough to demonstrate the powerful effect of these changes. First of all, there´s no more problems of scaling. A large team does not have a significantly more powerful effect on their target than the same amount of attackers split up between several teams. This makes what I call the "mobbing"-problem obsolete.
The increased survivability of teams (especially small teams compared to original FoF) will force you to consider different approaches. Just shooting them to pulp with infantry will no longer work. Either you DO use airpower (the -3 save modifier is nasty for anyone who is hit by Airstrikes) to kill off enemy strongpoints or you will be forced to assault.
When assaulting, make sure your troops have the enemy properly suppressed. If not, your troops will probably be pinned by defensive fire on the way to the enemy position or the enemy will just retreat and dig in elsewhere. When pinned they can´t bug out anymore and have to slug it out.
You´ll also find that moving your superior troops into the open and into the firing line of several small enemy teams will not work as well as it did in standard FoF. You might still win some reaction tests and pin or suppress some enemy groups, but actually killing the teams is much harder than it used to be when just relying on Infantry fire.
Quality differences are no longer decisive for defense, but still makes a significant difference as your elite troops are probably faster (winning more reaction tests with their higher TQ) and more aggressive and efficient in the firefight (e.g. better chance to roll successes on FP dice due to better TQ). They also tend to have better morale and are thus harder to suppress.
Overall, you´ll notice that your units won´t move around as freely as they used to. Most of the scenarios will probably need a higher limit, as the firefights are now more drawn-out affairs and it takes a while to overcome well dug-in defenders. As a consequence of the balance shifts some scenario also might require less Insurgents, as it´s no longer the power of the mob that protects them but the power of cover.
Since then, some things have changed on what I had outlined back then and I realized that I never updated my initial post.
The Basics are still much the same, but some tweaks have been made.
Alternative Firefights.
- Reaction Test as usual
- Calculate Firepower as usual
- Roll Firepower & count the number of successes
- Now, instead of calculating your defense pools, roll the appropriate number of saves
Success number & modifiers have changed in the following way:
- Standard Save on 5+ (4 or less = casualty) = for any open position, but not exposed.
- Improved cover: +2 (casualties on roll of 1 or 2)
- Solid Cover: +1 (casualties on roll of 1,2, or 3)
- In Cover: +
- Smoke: +1
- Taliban after successful Ambush: +1
Negative modifiers are:
- Irregulars / poorly trained troops: - 1
- Exposed: -1
- Rapid Movement: -1
- Subjected to Artillery or Airstrike: -3
- Flanked: -2
Instead of having a separate action named "suppressive fire", just consider any fire to be suppressive now:
- For any successful firepower die roll 1 Morale die of the appropriate die type
- Any 4+ is a success, any 1-3 is a failure
- The first failure will "pin" your units in place, preventing any further movement.
- The second failure will "suppress" your unit, degrading your TQ by 1 negative die shift
One last change I made is the application of body armor. Armor doesn´t prevent hits. It doesn´t really make sense to me that FoF give a bonus die for body armor in addition to a first aid roll that determines the severity of the wounds.
So here´s the change I made:
- Troops with body armor use the standard FoF First Aid Table
- Troops without body armor incur a -1 modifier on the first Aid Table
- e.g. 1,2 = dead, 3,4= serious, 5,6 = light wound
Example Firefight
Before I outline how these changes make the game more tactical (in my opinion) while retaining the fun parts, I want to finish the "rules" section with an example:
US Marines are attacking an outpost of your average African Dictator that didn´t align himself with US policy. One Fireteam of veteran Marines (TQ D10, Morale D10) is approaching a hidden MG position manned by the presidents army (TQ D8, Morale D8).
With a roll of 5 the African team opens fire from an Ambush on 14" distance. Their Firepower is 7 (2 men team + 2 for MMG, +2 Weapon Team, +1 Opt. Range). Their roll is:
2.2,5,5,6,7,8 = 5 successes.
Caught in the open, the Marines have a 5+ save, so they roll 5D10: 3,3,8,10,10 - caught in the killzone, two Marines are hit and become casualties. Being subjected to 5 Firepower, they also have to roll 5D10 for morale, scoring a 3,5,6,8, 10 - one failure means they´re pinned, but may return fire!
The rest of the time scrambles to cover, returning fire. With 2 men down, the remaining troopers have a Firepower of 4 (2 men, 2 support weapons).
Rolling 4D10 against the Africans, the Marines score a 4,5,5,9 - all successes! The Africans are in cover (+1) behind solid cover (+1) (prepared ambush position) and need a 1 or 2 to save. With 4 saevs they roll 2,6,7,7 suffering one casualty from the Marines return fire. Their Morale Test of 4D8 results in 4,6,6,6 - no effect.
At the end of the turn, the Americans remove their pinned marker, they need to be re-suppressed next turn. Next turn, they check their casualties as usual, one is OK (6), one is Seriously Wounded (3) and in need of medical care, while the African soldier is found dead (1).
This small Example is unfortunately not long enough to demonstrate the powerful effect of these changes. First of all, there´s no more problems of scaling. A large team does not have a significantly more powerful effect on their target than the same amount of attackers split up between several teams. This makes what I call the "mobbing"-problem obsolete.
The increased survivability of teams (especially small teams compared to original FoF) will force you to consider different approaches. Just shooting them to pulp with infantry will no longer work. Either you DO use airpower (the -3 save modifier is nasty for anyone who is hit by Airstrikes) to kill off enemy strongpoints or you will be forced to assault.
When assaulting, make sure your troops have the enemy properly suppressed. If not, your troops will probably be pinned by defensive fire on the way to the enemy position or the enemy will just retreat and dig in elsewhere. When pinned they can´t bug out anymore and have to slug it out.
You´ll also find that moving your superior troops into the open and into the firing line of several small enemy teams will not work as well as it did in standard FoF. You might still win some reaction tests and pin or suppress some enemy groups, but actually killing the teams is much harder than it used to be when just relying on Infantry fire.
Quality differences are no longer decisive for defense, but still makes a significant difference as your elite troops are probably faster (winning more reaction tests with their higher TQ) and more aggressive and efficient in the firefight (e.g. better chance to roll successes on FP dice due to better TQ). They also tend to have better morale and are thus harder to suppress.
Overall, you´ll notice that your units won´t move around as freely as they used to. Most of the scenarios will probably need a higher limit, as the firefights are now more drawn-out affairs and it takes a while to overcome well dug-in defenders. As a consequence of the balance shifts some scenario also might require less Insurgents, as it´s no longer the power of the mob that protects them but the power of cover.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Another Small East German
While working mainly on the Israelis lately, I´ve prepared another East German as a sideproject to use up some excess putty I didn´t need on our middle eastern friends.
He´s turned out a little small, which is why the AK looks monstrous in his arms. The weapon itself is slightly too big, the man slightly too small and the result is a strange looking figure :D
It´s not that bad if you view him from the side though.
And at least he´s got his Klappspaten with him:
Now let´s see if that planning tool works and the post pops up sometime tomorrow ;)
He´s turned out a little small, which is why the AK looks monstrous in his arms. The weapon itself is slightly too big, the man slightly too small and the result is a strange looking figure :D
It´s not that bad if you view him from the side though.
And at least he´s got his Klappspaten with him:
Now let´s see if that planning tool works and the post pops up sometime tomorrow ;)
Monday, February 10, 2014
IDF Extras - No. 1 Final
And once again a figure rolls of the assembly line:
This fellow is part of the support stuff for the IDF Infantry. I´ve considered Bens comment and actually liked the idea of implementing a designated marksman, but after some research I found out that the M14 is no longer in use as a DM Rifle in the IDF. It´s been decommissioned in 1997. It´s very hard to find info on the weapons actually in use right now, seems like it´s either an M4 variant with Acog or Trijicon Sights or a Marksman version of the Tavor Tar with similar optics. As I do have a lot of guys carrying Tavors already, I didn´t see the point in making another one as a designated marksman where you couldn´t see a difference.
So I switched back to my previous idea of including an alternative Negev Gunner, as the other pose is one of the very first and old and thought I could supplement this one with another, better pose.
And there he is, almost finished. On second thought, I realise that he needs a bipod and iron sights on the back end of the Negev. But that´s minor stuff ;)
I´ll probably supplement this one with two guys for the FN MAG team, but I´ve to ponder on the pose for these... Prone figures would suit best, but are consuming so much space and I know that some people don´t like too many prone figures on their table...
I´ll probably need some time to think about that, but I´m doing something else for a change anyway.
This fellow is part of the support stuff for the IDF Infantry. I´ve considered Bens comment and actually liked the idea of implementing a designated marksman, but after some research I found out that the M14 is no longer in use as a DM Rifle in the IDF. It´s been decommissioned in 1997. It´s very hard to find info on the weapons actually in use right now, seems like it´s either an M4 variant with Acog or Trijicon Sights or a Marksman version of the Tavor Tar with similar optics. As I do have a lot of guys carrying Tavors already, I didn´t see the point in making another one as a designated marksman where you couldn´t see a difference.
So I switched back to my previous idea of including an alternative Negev Gunner, as the other pose is one of the very first and old and thought I could supplement this one with another, better pose.
And there he is, almost finished. On second thought, I realise that he needs a bipod and iron sights on the back end of the Negev. But that´s minor stuff ;)
I´ll probably supplement this one with two guys for the FN MAG team, but I´ve to ponder on the pose for these... Prone figures would suit best, but are consuming so much space and I know that some people don´t like too many prone figures on their table...
I´ll probably need some time to think about that, but I´m doing something else for a change anyway.
Friday, February 7, 2014
IDF Extras - No. 1
small update for today, I´ve done it again and started another pose for an additional trooper. Not sure yet if he´s going to get a Markman Rifle or a Machine Gun (Light or Medium?!).
This is how the mini looks halfway through the process, arms + weapon are added next and the helmet is usually the final step for me.
The guy is hauling slightly more weight than the others. Maybe a Machinegun would fit his gear and outfit best?
It´s also noticable that I´ve become significantly faster. I started this one as a dolly this morning and had him looking like that in the afternoon. Of course I didn´t spend all the time working, the putty needs time to cure and set after all. So this is maybe some 2 hours of work, probably less as I´ve been working on other figures in between - it´s always hard to emeasure how much time it takes for one figure. I´ve started an attempt to monitor it but almost lost track of it due to just picking it up and working some more without recording the exact time or moving on to the next without stopping the count. I´ll have to monitor this more thoroughly in the future, as I´m interested in just how long it takes for a single figure to be finished.
So much for now, seeya soon!
small update for today, I´ve done it again and started another pose for an additional trooper. Not sure yet if he´s going to get a Markman Rifle or a Machine Gun (Light or Medium?!).
This is how the mini looks halfway through the process, arms + weapon are added next and the helmet is usually the final step for me.
The guy is hauling slightly more weight than the others. Maybe a Machinegun would fit his gear and outfit best?
It´s also noticable that I´ve become significantly faster. I started this one as a dolly this morning and had him looking like that in the afternoon. Of course I didn´t spend all the time working, the putty needs time to cure and set after all. So this is maybe some 2 hours of work, probably less as I´ve been working on other figures in between - it´s always hard to emeasure how much time it takes for one figure. I´ve started an attempt to monitor it but almost lost track of it due to just picking it up and working some more without recording the exact time or moving on to the next without stopping the count. I´ll have to monitor this more thoroughly in the future, as I´m interested in just how long it takes for a single figure to be finished.
So much for now, seeya soon!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
IDF Group Shots
Today the light is shining nice and bright through our windows and so I used the opportunity to take some nice pictures of my IDF - most of these have been shown before, but two should be knew and unseen.
One Pictures with some very in-action poses for the riflemen.
It´s been very hard to find reliable information and sources on the composition of IDF squads. The Israelis seem to be very secretive and rather ad-hoc in their organisation, which is somehow understandable given the threat environment this organisation is exposed to. It´s also clear that it´s hard to stick to paper TOEs when facing a shooting war with a conscription based system. History has shown that troops end up understrength due to losses and organisational delay, making any TOE utterly useless if you can´t fill the ranks. I guess this is also true for modern day scenarios.
So my decision has been to include a lot of variety for Rifleman into my first build, with only one Neveg LMG. I´ll probably add one UGL to one of the Tavor TARs. The basic kit will not include any AT launchers, as I could not find any pictures in the IDF photostream showing infantry with AT launchers, which indicates they´re not stock equipment for squad level troops.
One Pictures with some very in-action poses for the riflemen.
It´s been very hard to find reliable information and sources on the composition of IDF squads. The Israelis seem to be very secretive and rather ad-hoc in their organisation, which is somehow understandable given the threat environment this organisation is exposed to. It´s also clear that it´s hard to stick to paper TOEs when facing a shooting war with a conscription based system. History has shown that troops end up understrength due to losses and organisational delay, making any TOE utterly useless if you can´t fill the ranks. I guess this is also true for modern day scenarios.
So my decision has been to include a lot of variety for Rifleman into my first build, with only one Neveg LMG. I´ll probably add one UGL to one of the Tavor TARs. The basic kit will not include any AT launchers, as I could not find any pictures in the IDF photostream showing infantry with AT launchers, which indicates they´re not stock equipment for squad level troops.
The guy in the middle is probably going to be the Grenadier, reloading the launcher with a new shell from the grenade pouches on his chest.
As groupshot of all nine soldiers. I still have 2-3 poses left to fill the mold, but I´m not entirely sure what to build next. Another LMG-pose? FN-MAG MMG team? AT-Launcher support?
I´d be happy for some input on this matter :)
And there´s another lineup of all the individual miniatures. It´s a little small but I hope you can still see them :)
Until next time!
Monday, February 3, 2014
German Special Forces on Patrol
Today I´ve been painting a little to catch up on all the minis I wanted to do for some time. Now, I´ve finally found enough motivation to paint some of those. Some of you who´ve been with me for a longer time might remember these figures:
These are the four KSK / Fernspäher figures I sculpted roughly a year ago (or somesuch). They´ve been hanging around since last August but I didn´t get them painted until now.
As you can see, the leaders rifle broke off during transport and was reattached by the caster, unfortunately not in the place where I intended it to be. So I worked around by adding some putty for a rifle sling so the pose could still make some remote sense...
These are the four KSK / Fernspäher figures I sculpted roughly a year ago (or somesuch). They´ve been hanging around since last August but I didn´t get them painted until now.
As you can see, the leaders rifle broke off during transport and was reattached by the caster, unfortunately not in the place where I intended it to be. So I worked around by adding some putty for a rifle sling so the pose could still make some remote sense...
Saturday, February 1, 2014
IDF Team 2 - First Half
After some slowdown of my production rate due to an exam last week I´ve taken some more time today to finish the first two additions to my Israeli forces.
There are two more in line, but they´re slightly off-schedule due to problems with their arms, so they´ll follow later.
I´ve also prepared the dollies for the two Insurgents, which will be my next task.
After that, I´ve two poses left for Israelis and I´m thinking of including either an AT-Launcher (though I don´t know yet which weapon) and an alternative Negev-Pose or a two-man GMPG-Team with FN MAG. Not decided yet.
Hope you enjoy!
There are two more in line, but they´re slightly off-schedule due to problems with their arms, so they´ll follow later.
I´ve also prepared the dollies for the two Insurgents, which will be my next task.
After that, I´ve two poses left for Israelis and I´m thinking of including either an AT-Launcher (though I don´t know yet which weapon) and an alternative Negev-Pose or a two-man GMPG-Team with FN MAG. Not decided yet.
Hope you enjoy!
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